December 2002

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genji monogatari

Tales of Genji is all about who made out with who. It’s sort of like an authentic version of soap opera. I wonder how the guys kept romantic mood while they tried to remove 12 layer princess kimono. They probably had to keep improvising waka (it’s a poem style.. like a longer haiku). It must have been pretty sucky for the girls when the guys made some bad poems because they couldn’t have run away if the guys had taken off 11 layers by then..


The squirrels on my campus are having serious skin diseases. I’m worried about them… I should knit sweaters for the squirrels with bald patches. It’s just too cold to be running around naked.

Strangely enough though, some students here love to run naked around this time of the year..

kirai na tabemono

When I was 6 or 7, I didn’t like shiitake very much. One day, I got this really high fever and had a nightmare. I was standing in the playground at my elementary school. It was raining hard and thundering loud too. Then, this huge shiitake dude showed up and tried to attack me. I fought back with my stuffed animals (which later got bigger and tried to attack me too…) and I won. When I woke up, my fever was gone, and since then, I’ve been able to enjoy eating shiitake.

Yumcax, please correct your pronounciation for shiitake. Your way of saying shiitake is both grammatically and morally wrong.


If I have children, it will largely because I think it will be fun to name them. For example, I want to name my first child Debian.

Recently, I had the idea that it would be cool if children were named so that their first name or nickname was the same as their initials. For example, Benjamin Edward Newton would be BEN. Since my last name is Hill, the only name I can think of is Asher Scott Hill which, of course, would be Ash.

When was young and went by “Ben,” I could never decide if I would put BCH or BEN in the high score sections of video games and I think my plan will remove this ambiguity from my children’s lives.

ii shibou

This is my 100th blog entry. I wanna talk about something special.

I’d like to improve the quality of my fat. Right now, the value of my fat is probably 1 yen or less per 100g. I wouldn’t make much money if I were a cow.
So, I went to Matsuzaka beef web sites to see how the cows keep their high quality fat. The definition of Matsuzaka beef is “a Japanese cow with black hair, female, has never been pregnant..” so far so good. I fulfill most of the requirements. These cows “drink beer and receive syochuu (Japanese whiskey) massage”. Hmmm.. maybe this is the key for becoming 4000yen per 100g. But I don’t like beer. I wonder fuzzy navel would do the trick as well..


I hate it when I notice that the toilet seat is wet after I sit on it. There really are high quality and low quality toilets. Any toilets that flush too hard or take too long to fill up the tank after each flush are not recommended. Also, I don’t understand those bathrooms that have mirrors on all four sides of each toilet room and/or the ceiling. I really don’t know where to look in such a toilet.


Is it true that if you fill up your lungs with water little by little and train them for years to absorb oxygen from the water, you can live under the water?


Chicks say “piyo piyo” in Japan.

When I was younger, I was afraid of making omelette for a while. I had a lot of friends who told me that when they cracked the eggs over the pans, chicks came out. At first, I thought “oh..that’s cute” but when I heard that these were dead and premature, I got quite scared.

So far in my life, I haven’t had any dead chick coming out of the shells. I hope this luck continues…


Trees with purple leaves remind me of seaweed. It makes me think about seaweed salad that I used to have when I lived at the bottom of ocean..


I have very bad eye sight. Sometimes, I don’t want to admit that my eyes are so bad, so I go outside without my contact lenses or glasses. I feel like i’m in a completely different world. It’s almost like living in a 3-D Monet world. The edges of any objects become vague. Everyone becomes faceless. My audio sensation becomes super sensitive and adds depth to this fuzzy world.

It’s an interesting experience as long as there is no glass wall. It’s quite embarrassing when you walk into the glass wall in front of strangers.. I’ve done it a couple times.

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