Nimbus Day 147

(砂の女 by 安部公房)

“But this is as if the sole purpose of your life is to plow sand off the house!”
“But it’s not like I can do a moonlight flit……”
The man became even more flustered. He didn’t mean to get so involved in such private matters.
“Of course, you can!……so easy……if you put your mind to it, you can do it however you like!”
“I don’t think so……” the woman said casually inbetween her plowing movements. “The reason why this village manages to survive is because of us, hard working sand plowers…Of course, we receive daily payments from the city……”
“If there’s a budget for that, why wouldn’t they just invest that in planting sand-barrier trees instead?”
“When they did the calculation, as we expected, this method turned out to be much cheaper……”
(The Woman in the Dunes by Abe Kobo)

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