Nimbus Day 55 — Bottom side

なんかげつかごに イルカはてんごくへととびたちました 青色のイルカは 子どもと泳いだ夢を見ながら てんごくを泳いでいます (空が青いから白をえらんだのです 奈良少年刑務所詩集 edited by 寮 美千子: 青いイルカの物語より抜粋) several months later the dolphin flew away to heaven and the blue dolphin is swimming in heaven as it dreams about how it swam with the kid (White was chosen because the sky is blue/Poetry from Nara Juvenile Detention Center edited by Ryo Michiko: Excerpt from The Story of …

Pothos leaf ~1.5 months

「ぼくが経験した限りでは、どんなたのしい夢でも、たのしい現実には遠く及ばない半面、悪夢の方は、むしろ現実の不安や恐怖を上まわる場合が多いような気がする。」 (笑う月 by 安倍公房) “Speaking from my experience, while enjoyable dreams are, no matter how fun they are, far from being the same level as in reality, I feel that nightmares are often much worse than my anxiety or fear in reality.” (Laughing moon by Abe Kobe) A pothos leaf has finally started growing a …

Nimbus Day 50 — Bottom side

「白昼の意識は、しばしば夢の論理以上に、独断と偏見にみちている。」(笑う月 by 安倍公房) “Our minds during daytime are — often more than theories of dreams — ego-centric and biased.” (Laughing moon by Abe Kobo) I think Nimbus’ butt is finally cracking.