I’m hesitant to eat fish and other sea creatures at a restaurant when they come from the tanks. When see those fish “spacing” back and forth in a small tank over and over, I feel like they are prisoners that are hoping to escape into the ocean someday..but that dream would probably never come true.
Of course I’m being hypocritical since I eat fish and other creatures from farms.
The debate I always get into, being one who always eats fish and occasionally eats red meat, is whether or not I could butcher my own food, be it fish or cow or what have you. I have caught and gutted fish, so that’s the answer to the fish part, but I’m uncertain whether or not I could butcher a mammal for food.
As for fish in those tanks, it can’t be the healthiest environs to keep food in. Those tanks always look unclean and frightening. Maybe the fish make themselves ill psychosomatically. And who wants to eat an ill fish?
Yeah, whether mentally or physically, sick fish don’t look too appetizing…
Not to mention your comment is the plot of Finding Nemo. Living one’s life based on the comments of a lame cartoon movie is probably a path to avoid.
I feel it’s ok to be influenced by any sorts of art. This particular thought was not affected by Nemo but if a person has been influenced by Nemo or Rejected or Sprited Away I wouldn’t have any problems with it.
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