Do you ever get a happy attack where you can’t stop laughing for a loong time for no clear reason? I do. In fact, I had one just a couple days ago. I heard something that made me giggle a little bit at first and then, I just started laughing until my stomach muscles were torn apart. Well, almost. I felt as if there was a serotonin flood in my brain. It was amazing.
I think the serotonin flow sometimes has a constipated/diarrhea condition. A constipated condition of serotonin is so-called depression and the diarrhea condition is the happy attack. So, anti-depressant drugs like Zoloft is like Ex-Lax for your brain. It sounds a little bacchii but I think it’s a pretty effective way to describe what a happy attack is like.
I was exhausted and not so happy the next day though.. I must have used up all my serotonin that day.
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