I love Natto (fermented soy beans. Yum.). I can eat them for breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner and I always enjoy the taste. The only time I did not enjoy the taste was when I threw up Natto. Stomach acid and Natto don’t go too well together..
Gee..Thats funny..I’d think the taste of stomach acid is virtually the same as natto..if not a little better….But i really dont think i would mind throwing up natto..except for the fact that i would have that crap in my mouth again..But seeing as though it looks like vomit in the first place..I suppose i wouldnt be able to see the difference!! Also..Im sure its healthy to puke after eating it..Because its getting that toxic junk out of your system…Maybe thats why i feel like vomitting every time after i eat it..hmmm
The best thing about it is that, since natto looks a bit like voimit itslef, after you throw it up, you can eat it again without any hesitation. I know you feel like vomitting every time after you eat it for that reason. You just wanna enjoy it over and over.
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