
Yes, it’s true. I like E flat. B flat seems cool in a similar way but the fact it’s right below C makes it less cool.

G flat is a punk and F# does almost everything right. If G# is Fyodor, A flat is Alexei.

1 part D flat and 1 part C sharp make a fine Kafka.

And D# and A# often confuse me.

  1. Kat’s avatar

    I am fond of E flat. There was one particular spot in the dining room where I used to live, where if you sang an E flat various things would resonate; a little pocket in an otherwise acoustically uninteresting room. It was the first time I realized that the cartoon image of a glass cracking when a soprano sang could actually be true, that sound wasn’t just its own thing that didn’t really affect the rest of the world around it. Also, E flat makes me want to sing chorales.

    G flat is one I never expect to like as much as I do when it’s there — the person I haven’t talked to in forever, whose visit I am apprehensive about, who comes for an afternoon and we spend a wonderful time together. F# is a little off-putting.

    But I think in D minor and in fact am a very D minor sort of person: straightforward, not too complicated, given to both romance and intellectualism, and more than a little sad.

  2. Chris’s avatar

    Yay, D minor. The last three pieces I’ve been learning for the guitar (all Baroque) have been in Dm. It’s pretty much the perfect key for guitar.

  3. mika’s avatar

    All these talks about D minor is making me want to hear some good Dm music…I wonder which ones I have.

    D minor is indeed very cool.

  4. Chris’s avatar

    > All these talks about D minor is making me want to hear some good Dm music…I wonder which ones I have.

    This is, I assert, the best piece for piano in Dm:


    You have to listen with the lights off, though. It’s a rule. 🙂

    – Chris.

  5. mika’s avatar

    I shall do that tonight. I listened to rachmaninoff piano concerto #3 in Dminor on the train last night. So good.


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