I showed my clown miniature to my japanese friends and they immediately got goose bumps. Clowns really aren’t popular among japanese people. If US is thinking about attacking Japan again (or was it us who started the war last time?), the soldiers should dress up like clowns.
Thanks to Yumcax, of course!
Story Time-
We’re learning hiragana in Japanese class. Our teacher encourages us to come up with mnemonic devices for the difficult ones… but mine always end up being dirty.For example, “ho” (http://www.sf.airnet.ne.jp/~ts/japanese/ho.gif) I imagine as a prostitute standing next to a lamppost, trying to turn another trick before the night’s over.
Additionally, I remember “pi” (http://www.sf.airnet.ne.jp/~ts/japanese/pi.gif) as a micropenis bursting out of a tight pair of pants.
I think the internet has eroded any slight remnant of decency away from my soiled mind 🙁
That’s so funny, maalox. Btw, a kanji for bullying has a girl between two men.
This article is about how the Prime Minister of Australia says he believes in Santa. It also mentions replacing Santa with a clown. I thought Mika would like that.
Noooo.. that’s horrible.
And Mako. You got the 100th comment of this blog. Congratulations!
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