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Chicks say “piyo piyo” in Japan.

When I was younger, I was afraid of making omelette for a while. I had a lot of friends who told me that when they cracked the eggs over the pans, chicks came out. At first, I thought “oh..that’s cute” but when I heard that these were dead and premature, I got quite scared.

So far in my life, I haven’t had any dead chick coming out of the shells. I hope this luck continues…


Trees with purple leaves remind me of seaweed. It makes me think about seaweed salad that I used to have when I lived at the bottom of ocean..


I have very bad eye sight. Sometimes, I don’t want to admit that my eyes are so bad, so I go outside without my contact lenses or glasses. I feel like i’m in a completely different world. It’s almost like living in a 3-D Monet world. The edges of any objects become vague. Everyone becomes faceless. My audio sensation becomes super sensitive and adds depth to this fuzzy world.

It’s an interesting experience as long as there is no glass wall. It’s quite embarrassing when you walk into the glass wall in front of strangers.. I’ve done it a couple times.


My brain’s constipated.


I had to perform in public last Thursday. On the way back home, I found myself talking out loud and making all sorts of faces, thinking about all the embarrassing mistakes I made during the performance. People looked at me like I’m insane.. and that just added another embarassing moment of the day.


I love studying hierogliph. They have such interesting characters. I don’t know why they needed to create these characters but they have letters for things like “an upside down man” and “a man in a big container”. Also, I found out today that the character for “guide” is a knife with legs.

The only problem is that it take forever to write each word… If I ever get rich, I’ll make stamps of each letter and write to my friends in hierogliph.


I have a stethscope. I listened to my heart yesteterday and found out that my heart beats as fast as an average pre-schooler. It’s kinda sad..


A navel is a weird thing. I’ve always wondered why I get a stomachache every time I clean it. Yeah, you need to clean your navals once in a while. They are pretty nasty..

I also never understood why Japanese Thunder Gods want to get people’s navels. What do they do with our navels? Maybe they fry them. Fried navels.



I went to listen to Minnesota Symphony yesterday. My drum teacher was in it, so my friend and I got really nice balcony seats for free. Yey. We were late and as we went in after the first piece, we saw this massive mezzo soprano singer with massive curly blonde hair. The conductor next to her was this tiny old man and it looked as if she was about to eat him every time she opened her mouth. (She was a good singer though.)
During the break, my teacher told us her backstage nickname is “lion king”. So, my friend decided to imitate a lion as she came out to the stage after the break. My teacher saw that from the stage and he turned bright red… Poor Steve. I hope he won’t get fired.

Anyways, they had a way better triangle than Macalester does.



Yesterday, I was watching Discovery channel. It was showing “strange” toads. They were STRANGE. I saw I saw I saw a toad with a bunch of holes (about 30 of them, each hole is big enough to put your pinkie in) on its back. That really gave me goose bump but then, they said something that froze my goose bump. These toads keep the eggs and raise their baby tadpoles in those holes!!! When the babies become froggie shaped, they just jump out of the holes on their Mom’s back…

I was speechless by the sight of these 30 baby frogs coming out of the holes but then, they showed another type of toad that lives in rather dry places. They showed a dog approaching this toad curiously. Then, they said “Look at his eyes!” I was expecting that the eyes would expand or shoot out but what I saw was worse. It shot its blood out of its eye sockets. It can do it up to 20 times straight. After it shot its blood out, it looked like somebody stabbed its eyes.. I was petrified.

Enough strange toads for the rest of the year…


I had to perform for a music class today. I made two big mistakes because there were two cute boys. The number of mistakes I make correlates how many cute listeners there are.


My roommate put shiny gel on my hands. I think it looks the prettiest when it’s in a bottle. It looks a bit like chicken pox on my hands..


My African Music teacher can be super unreasonable. By now, we got used to it but at the beginning of the semester, all the students were very frustrated with him. THEN. One day, he said “oh by the way, you can eat anything during the class except for citruses. I’m very very allergic to them.” At that point, I could feel EVERYONE in the class grinning in their mind and thinking “hm.. maybe i should have a bite of an orange before I talk to him…”

I’m not allergic to anything. I’m invincible, so don’t even think about it.


I want a honeydew bubble tea right now.


I wonder how snails are feeling when they’re changing their shells. Maybe they are embarrassed about being naked. Maybe that’s why I’ve never seen them taking their clothes off.

I’ve once broken one snail’s shell by accident though… I hope that snail found a better one soon.


My tongue looks very lacy when I wake up in the morning. Why?


I was in the bio lab for 5 hours today. I was doing one experiment and all the steps were essential for the next steps. At the end, I got this agar block that was supposed to show whether the experiment went well or not. I tried to transfer the agar onto another table, so that I could see the lines in the agar under the UV light., and then, I DROPPED it. Not only the agar slipped off my hands, it slided towards the edge of a table and fell off. I caught the agar by pushing it against the side of the table with my thigh but I could feel this warm agar being broken into halves on my leg…It had been 4 hours since I started the experiment, and I just felt so desperate. Of course, my professor came into the lab right then and I had to shidoro modoro explain what was going on.. This is what happens when I use agar for purposes other than eating.


I showed my clown miniature to my japanese friends and they immediately got goose bumps. Clowns really aren’t popular among japanese people. If US is thinking about attacking Japan again (or was it us who started the war last time?), the soldiers should dress up like clowns.


My roommate has a pet in my room. We named it Chitlin. Chitlin changes its color all the time. We love it..


If I ever open my own photo studio, I want to take pictures of couples who want to get artsy naked pics of themselves. I don’t want to take pictures of them making out like snakes or squirrels. No porn porn pictures. I’m sure that more than half of the people reading this blog lost their interest at this point but think about it. Here I am standing as a professional photographer and uh…. two people started making out right in front of me in bright bright light, pretending to be be great porn stars… makes me feel like I have to leave them alone. So, no.

My mouth smell like an ocean.

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