I had this great film idea. The film was supposed to be about Chopin prelude in Cminor No.12, which is an insane piece. I was going to make the main character, who is a pianist, believe that this piece has some sort of power to bring bad lucks to her life. I thought that this was such a cool idea but today, I found out that a very similar idea was used in a famous movie called Shine.. sigh.
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My friend and I were talking about French kiss today. I think the grossest French kiss would be the one right after eating natto. I love Natto but I don’t really wanna taste it on somebody else’s tongue.
I got gummy bears today. I knew that I liked licking them first but today, i found out that I especially like licking their feet. I’m afraid that when I die, all these bears that died in my mouth will tickcle my feet in hell…
I think I like 2:20AM and 4:30AM. I don’t like 10:30AM or 12PM or 9:55PM.
2:20 is good for many reasons. It’s about the time when I feel very energized and things get quieter (not on weekends). I feel like I can do whatever I want around 2:20 even when I’m up for my homework or something else that is not fun. I hardly ever stay up until 4:30AM but when I do, it’s usually for good reasons (ie rave etc). Even when I’m up because of hw, I start feeling really good around 4:30AM.
Of course, I really don’t like knowing the “correct” time, so those are the times my alarm or computer tells me.
A film idea: About a world becoming a money-free place one day and money loses its value as of that day. You pay people with something abstract like ideas, techniques etc.. all the material exchange are considered as “gifts”, meaning no return may be expected. If you try to accompliash something using money, you get arrested. Soo, what you need to earn now is a social skill. The more people you know, the easier your life can be..
I wanna make this film into something like Run Lola Run or Amelie.
I’ve been eating Natto every night but my roommate has not complained about it yet. I’ll see how long it takes for her to figure out why there appear stinky cobwebs in our room around midnight..
my pic page at mika.yukidoke.org/images.
I just remembered that I dropped a piece of trash a couple days ago in front to a chapel. It’s really bothering me right now. I wanna go find it and throw it away in a trash can. I’m obcessive compulsive but sometimes the symptom appears a little too late.
The Japanese word for twins is so-se-ji. The word for sausage in japanese is also so-se-ji.
I went to a jazz concert tonight because I got so stressed out from the amount of work I have to do this weekend. But being at a concert made me think about my recital and I got more stressed out…I think I’m gonna have my audience sit on the stage.
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Finger of the day (index finger).
I cut my finger with this plastic microtube today. The attached lid was really hard to open and I somehow cut my finger while I was trying to open it. I didn’t realize it at first but then, I noticed blood on many of the E-coli tubes. I really hope that those lovely E-coli’s aren’t growing too happily in my circulatory system…
Another MN weather story. I’ve been wearing these tight jeans lately and one thing that I notice is that.. ah.. I just decided I’m not gonna write about it.
So, how is everyone? I had a pretty bad day but I got two free bagels from a hot girl, so I’m happy.
I have a bad impression of leek.
We call them wakegi. The word for armpit hair is wakige.
I have a bad impression of leek.
I ate two pieces of quesadilla just a couple mins ago.. they tasted really good but now I feel sick and have a bad headache.. I’m getting old.
If you remove lens from salamander’s eyes, they’ll regenerate. That seems more advanced that human eyes..
So, I’ve started kickboxing recently. I really like it but one thing I hate about it is that whenever we pair up and kick each other, it stimulates my competitiveness and I feel like “OUCH.. you KICKED me! Alright.. I’ll kick you back HARDER.” and i forget that this is just for fun..
To make things worse, yumcax’s brother told me to “kill them all and bring back the heads!”…
When you are sick or sleep deprived, I recommend not to engage in tough activities like counting a number of abnormal sea urchin embryos underneath a cmpd microscope. I felt like I was having a really bad sea sick.
As I was walking back from the lab, I felt a pain in my right fellopian tube region. It made me feel weird that the same thing I saw underneath the microscope with C Elegans is happening right inside of my tummy. Unfortunately AND fortunately, the things happening to my sea urhin eggs are not happening to me…
I don’t like seeing people make exactly two circles when a teacher tells them to make a couple circles around something. This symptom is commonly seen among the middle age women in my chorus group. grrrr.
I saw a part of the Michael Jackson interview yesterday. I felt like I was watching an independent film. I had seen and heard him only during his performances and the gap between the performer Michael and the man Michael seemed too big. It was almost surreal.
I just had a sugar cube that tasted like Root Beer. Awful.
Digital cameras are really useful. I use mine when I fix my eyebrows and I’m always amazed how equal my eyebrows look, which I can never see through the mirror.
I want to build a factory that manufactures a lot of different things. It won’t manufacture anything particularly well, mind you- Mostly just average products.
I will call it the “Satisfactory”.
Addendum: I would also like to open a kitchen store called “Pan-o-rama”.
I want to write a paper where I don’t bs at all. Every single paper I’ve written has at least one bs point…sigh. The one I’ve written recently was about Schoenberg and I was getting tired towards the end, so I started making up nonsense. I said, “…Other than the fish, there is only one lively creature, the piccolo bird in measure 251…” PICCOLO BIRD.
Today is Valentine’s day.