Whenever I see people playing snowball fight, I notice how they seem to be having lots of fun: they smile like me when I Q-tip my ears, laugh like little kids even if they are 80 years old, and just look really happy like cats in front of foot warmers.
But then I wonder: Is it really really that much fun to get hit by snowballs?
I haven’t experienced too many snowball fights in my life but I vaguly remember this instantaneous rage shooting into my temple upon receiving big snowballs on my face. Or anywhere on my body for that matter. For some reason, I smiled and laughed but then, my mind saw a blinking telop saying “REVENGE TIME.”
Of course, I was never the best shooter at anything, so I missed the targets most of the time . On top of everything, I was a slow target and as a result, I got hit very easily. I think I still had some fun but I just wonder: Is it really really that much fun to get hit by snowballs? Or is it the “revenge” that makes people smile so happily…
Happy snowy New Year!