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bunbogu ten

Am I allowed to be loud in a stationary store? I feel like sounds are all absorbed into the papers placed all over the stores..especially a posh stationary store.


I receive a lot more spam e-mails than a few years ago. Of course, the number of such e-mails is only ten to fifteen a day but still, that’s a lot for me.

Over the last few days though, I only got one. I was wondering if the spammer(s) is on vacation…or maybe he/she is not feeling well enough to spam. Not that I miss these e-mails but I just wonder.


I don’t like touching places where I saw roaches walking. It’s not really because I think they drop viruses/bacteria behind; it’s rather because I don’t want to chemo-attract roach ladies with the roach pheromone stuck on my body.

Pheromone is such an interesting idea.


The summer here is very close to the Japanese summer: humid and hot and humid.

I can still survive without an AC though – I could never do that in Japan. I was wondering why and I think I know why. Here, we are missing the non-stop chorus of hundreds of cicada. Their singing adds extra 10C to the temperature…


Don’t I look like I’m enjoying the view of a gorgeous sunset over a river outside the window? But I’m not…I’m looking at something less exciting…


Every once in a while, most people get nasty feelings that they don’t want other people know, like jealousy. Say there are specific biological pathways and chemicals involved in causing such feelings and say, that a superb mutational capacity of some viruses allows them to interact and invade these pathways/chemicals. In other words, only the people who have these feelings get sick.

That might annoy many people…or maybe some virus might have done it before and people just didn’t notice it.

suki kirai

I have this image of roaches liking junk food more than healthy, nutritious food but am I biased?


I’m afraid of taking one lemon from a tidely arranged lemon slope. I’m often not tall enough to pick the highest one.

I haven’t had lemons rolling off the slope one after another yet but I’m afraid that someday, it may happen. I wonder what the punishment would be if that happens…would I get into more trouble if the product is softer and easily damaged?


Craving for a mixture of orangina and soy milk. Yum.


Reading soap labels can be interesting sometimes. I was reading the ingredients in my rather posh body soap today. I noticed the first ingredient “water” was followed by (aqua).

What did the company want to tell us by (aqua)…is aqua better water?


I really don’t like it when doves are in my way: I think it’s because we are both indecisive. We try to choose whichever ways the other is not moving to and end up moving into the same direction. As a result, pigeons always freak out and fly to every direction possible and I’m left on the ground, sneezing from all the feathers they leave…not my favorite situation.

Just in case you were wondering…doves = pigeons.


When I read a description on somebody getting sleepy and falling asleep, I almost always fall asleep as well. The longer the description is, the stronger its magic power become…


I’m an addict. I can’t stop eating hempnuts. I don’t need help.

Or do I…

osoru osoru

When I open a tightly sealed Nalgene bottle containing moldy tea, I fear. I fear that it might explode and smear nasty tea all over the kitchen.

So far, it’s only made small venting sounds but if I wait long enough…


When I was a teenager, having a stranger profess his/her love was a big deal among me and my friends. That never happened to me while I was a teenager.

Recently, I had a chance to buy an AC from a beautiful chinese girl. She and I talked on the phone for the first time about the prices and conditions of the AC and at the end of the conversation, my dream came true; she told me ‘luv ya’.

Unfortunately, my heart was broken soon after when she said “oh..sorry..i meant, see ya”.


My apartment is dry. I have a fish.

The water level gets low pretty quickly in my betta’s house. I was thinking that it must be scary to live in a house where the roof gets lower and lower everyday until somebody else does something about it.

Yes, it’s time to clean his house and change the water.


If I ever organize a weight maintenance camp, I would have a long workshop session on “stories that reduce your appetite”, maybe along with one of the meals.

Gotta start collecting good ones..


I’ve been trying to decide what to eat and what not to eat. It’s hard because I can’t communicate with sea creatures or other animcals or plants to see whether they feel pain and fear upon being killed.

So until I can figure out what is the best thing to do, I’ll decide what to eat based on how beautiful inside the “skin” looks. All mammals have a bit gross interior designs and colors – veggies are beautiful even inside. Squids? Maybe ok..tuna…prob not..


Mako and I have come up with a fun game that involves spanking.

A person who cleans up a sink completely full of dirty dishes gets to decide a rule in the house. The rule must be reasonable. The best part of the game, besides spanking, is that the person doesn’t tell the other people what the rule is. The person gets to punish the other people whenever they violate the rule. The game will continue until they figure out the rule. Hint may be given whenever the spanker thinks it’s necessary.

You’ll see the eyes of confusion and cheeks of embrassment on the spanked person. Or if you’re the spanked person, you’ll get to feel how puppies must feel when they do “something bad”.


i want to make a collection of short stories on why people open spam e-mails when they know these e-mails are clearly spam. Some may open because they had bad experience the night before and sort of wished they had had viagra – others may do because they are really waiting for e-mails that include “Congratulations!” for getting jobs or getting into schools.

etc etc…

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