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Microsoft outlook web access — something my school chose to use — asks me to log in again (after I log in to log in) to log out.



If I walk super fast on an escalator, would I actually go up as slowly as I would on stairs? What would the graphs of walking speed vs distance on elevators and stairs look like? Who would benefit most by using an elevator than stairs?

I guess it would be the still people…or did my thought process go wrong somewhere?


Never mistake Pu Er leaves for jasmin. If such an accident happens though, put the product in an appropriate bottle.

Would you like some cranberry juice?
cranberry juice


Good music makes me visualize things. Nice paintings make me hear things. No wonder people say good music and art are addicting like drugs.


Be warned, my fellow vegetarians and pescatarians. Walnuts sold without their shells are actually dried insects or insect larva.

Trying to decrease my appetite for walnuts.


I find mammalian ear flapping to be very cute. The ears on batman are not exceptional — when I imagine them flapping with wind and movements, it makes me smile and want to pat his head.

I hope they aren’t made out of steel or anything hard.


Say *somebody* accidentally snorted a chilli pepper seed. Should the person snort milk as well?

That was totally stupid of me..


If I wake up to find my house completely dark because it’s covered by aluminium foil, I think I’d find it very depressing. Once I figure out that it is aluminium foil, I’d feel much better but till then, I’d probably panic quite a bit.

That’s what I thought when I saw a film cassett getting wrapped in aluminium foil.


I think I’m too young for you.


I think you’re too old for me.

Which one is the correct answer? Which one would I want to hear?


When I giggle in public because the book I’m reading is funny, I feel superior to the people around me. I’m experiencing something fun at that time at that place that nobody else can have.

And I envy when I see someone with a book, laughing out loud right next to me. I wish I could steal that moment from the person.


When I yawn, I cry. Useful for wetting my dry contact lenses. Confusing for people around me.


Chopin is a cow and Rachmaninoff is a goat.

Chopin’s music is like cheese made with milk from a cow in a sense that the cheesemakers can express their own flavors quite strongly and
Rachmaninoff’s is like cheese made with milk from a goat in a sense that the strong goat flavor reminds devourers who truly contributed to the taste.

Chopin is a cow and Rachmaninoff is a goat. What an annoying entry it used to be.


I felt the stare by an automatic flush sensor on my buttocks and my cheeks got slightly warmer.


I’m not getting all my snail mail. Mako suggested that I need to talk to my mailbox.

I like that idea.


Plates should be made out of legos. That way, it’d be easy to fix when they break.

They might leak but that’s ok.


Once I read a child story where two hungry customers went to Restaurant of Many Orders, asked to leave their guns and coats outside and to put on some cream and vinegar — they thought this is a very polite restaurant that provides customers with lotion and perfume. At the end, there was a big cat waiting to eat these customers.

I think of this story when I make bread. I give yeast delicious food, places to live, and nice environment, so that I can use burn yeast to death later and enjoy the taste. What I do to yeast is pretty cruel.


Reading a long book without reading the synopsis/reviews first can make reading experience more exciting and adventurous – and sometimes disastrous too.

I hope the story I’m reading now – 3 volumes total – will get better soon…it’s depressing to find at the end that the book was horrible after all.


Even though harpsichords are much older than pianos, to me, harpsichords sound more modern than pianos. Harpsichords sound less real and pianos sound more natural to me but the harpsichord sound on a synthesizer can sound pretty ‘natural’ but the synthesizer piano usually sounds less real.

I’m biased probably.


The meatiest thing I eat as a vegetarian; beefsteak plant. In the fall, the plant hangs slices of beefsteak on its arms…put some cheese on and fry them.



There is a huge light switch (2m wide 4m high) somewhere in each building that requires 4-5 strong people to bring it up once it gets turned off.

That’s what I think of when I hear that big ‘thump’ sound and feel the small vibration of the building as the lights come back after a power outage,

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