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matsu no mi

Pine nuts look similar to some of the roach egg sacks.

A good source of protein.


I want to shoot a 2-hour film all upside down. I wonder if my brain would start inverting the images if I watch it in dark.

Just thinking about this makes me feel nauseated.


Anti-theft device idea: To invent a small light weight piece that can be attached to a laptop/whatever you need to protect. When you have to go to a bathroom in public space, you turn on this piece, so that it increases the gravitational force somehow, making it very difficult for theives to steal.

Yeah, somehow.


Since when have I stopped checking which animals I’m eating from an animal cracker bag?

Growing down.


Another request to the media lab.

I want buses that can shrink and expand, depending on the number of passengers on board. As they shrink and expand, the gas consumed should also decrease and increase.

Being a sole passenger on a bus feels creepy and guilty.


I never really thought about the liquid pond I often see around a toilet in a public bathroom. But once I started thinking about it, I can’t stop thinking about it.

How did they do it?


Cleaning my ears with Q-tips is like having chopsticks in my mouth.

Never walk around with them inside the body caves.


A double bond between two atoms makes them closer than a single bond and a triple bond closer than a double bond.

A double private msg connection between lovers makes them closer than a single connection and a triple connection closer than a double connection.

True or False.


Miniature Indian Corn walls remind me of tetrinet screens. They should be called Tetris Corn.



BBM: Boston Baceteria Meeting.

Textbooks never taugt me that bacteria held a meeting. How dare them to post such a flyer on a biology dept bulletin board.

Now we know how to prevent their resistance. We must attend their meetings and negotiate with them.


The mystery of pistachios.

I often find pistachio nuts out of the shells. In the same bag, I sometimes find pistachio shells that are empty inside with their slits just slightly more open than the normal ones but not open enough for the nuts to escape…

My theories:
I. These shell didn’t have nuts ever. The naked nuts are unrelated to the empty shells.
II The nuts were very very small and they could fall out.
III. The nuts were very very flexible and when nobody was watching them, they twisted their bodies around like gymnists and sqeezed themselves out.

I hope it’s the third theory.


No matter how many towels I have, I can think of a distinct use for each one. I’m confident.

And the more towels I have, the more OCD I get overall.


I go to toilet a lot when it’s really hot.

Not because I drink water more than usual to keep myself hydrated but because it’s the only place in public where I can let my whole legs enjoy the AC directly.

You may now breath, my legs.


Everyday can be my birtday.

People sometimes say that we all get closer to death everday but I think we must sometimes get further away. For example, if I start working out to keep my lipid profile good and also taking all sort of vitamins, that day, doesn’t the death get further away? I guess it gets closer overall but…hmm.

Happy birthday!



Greatest instrumental players are all too often horrible hummers.


Why does google suggest photosymphony when I type in philsymphony by mistake?

Philharmonic, do you sometimes wish you were born as an adjective?



Ain’t I hip.


I mind those who try to clap loudest and longest at jazz/classical concerts.

Porn stars.


Looking up words in dictionaries is not as much fun as reading dictionaries.

Not always digital items win the war.


Things left on empty seats on public transporation — they try to save the seat for someone by staring at other passengers with a telepathic message “It’s t-a-k-e-n”.

And that special someone is usually not me.

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