The little purple flower piece on the right side of the banner is bothering me — it looks too wet. It looks like a flower tongue — I’m afraid that that purple piece can actually move around and lick other flowers.
Is it ethical for vegetarians to eat carnivorous plants? What if they’ve got empty stomach?
maybe you should include a sundew, instead of the flower tongue…Here’s a link to a photo of a sundew at my school.
I’ve never seen this flower before. I wanna take a picture myself..wonder where I can find them around here.
one-san, i have HUGE news. You need to call me.
Tteka I keep on calling u but u never pick up!
Isn’t it 206-890-5155??
Call me at 651-399-9921. I 100% assure you that
you’re going to love this. Hehehehehe
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