Articles by mika



Teachers often mistakenly think a student is raising his/her hand when she/he actually isn’t doing so to ask questions. I notice that most the time, guys say “Oh, I was just scratching my head”.

It just doesn’t seem like a cool statement to announce in front of the whole class. Not like I could come up with a better thing to say but I just feel that that’s an extra piece of information that nobody really needs to know.


During my trip in Morocco, I took a train from Marrakech to Fez for 7 hours. I met a lot of people there. One girl, who was super cheerful and super hyper, decided to tell everyone on the train that my father is Jackie Chen and told them that they needed to come to our compartment within an hour in order to get a signature from my mom. After the girl got off, three people who worked on the train came asking for my mom’s signature.

Of course, we told them the truth but two of them decided to stay in our compartment and started talking to my mom in Japanese. I was being very impressed by their self-taught japanese. BUT. The next thing I knew was that they were asking my mom for permission to marry me.

HEY. If you have something to tell me, tell ME first not to MY MOM.

New pics at Feels good to be here again.


When the shower water hit the neck region of my spinal cord (2nd or 3rd bump?) , I hear the sounds of waterfall.


How to make a lonely winter day more fun: Think that the trees are girls standing on her hands. Her hairs are underneath the ground (roots), he slender legs are shooting up towards the sky… and all her clothes are off.

See? It’s more exciting..


One of the dorms at my school smells like somebody’s head when it’s not washed for a couple days…


All the girls with big breasts that I’ve met so far are better at bending forward with their legs closed than opened.


kagi baasan

When I little, I read this book called “Grandma ‘Key'”. This grandma has a key for evey single lock that exists in this world. She goes into houses where there are sad, lonely kids whose parents don’t care about them and cheer them up.

Now when I come to think of it, it’s a great book for kids to learn how to be a nice theif.


When I was an elementary student, I read somewhere that if you shake a bottle as you pour the liquid out, it comes out more easily.

Ever since then, I shake my hip when I have to pee in hurry. Last night though, I straitened up my back as I sat on the toilet and I thought the flow was smoother. hmmm…


I washed my hands with lotion by mistake. I feel old.


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The word for seaweed wrapper for sushi is nori in japanese. Nori also means glue.

Today, I was hungry but feeling unmotivated to make rice. So, I decided to eat one whole sheet of nori just by itself. I was typing my paper as I ate nori and for a while, I just let the nori hanging down from my mouth. Then, I tried to eat more and realized that the seaweek had “glued” onto my lips. I attempted to peel it off from my lips and as a result, I tore my lips. Ooouch..

I like cheesecakes. While good ones can be like an E for me, there are nothing else that makes me cry for anger like nasty cheesecakes.


When I read history books, I often see a person doing revenge to those who killed his/her loved ones. But I wonder if the loved ones enjoyed meeting the murderes who killed them again in heaven or hell.

toshi to jiten

I’ve been feeling that as I get older, the days seem to go by faster. A couple nights ago, I was thinking that maybe the earth is rotating faster and faster every year. So, even though people say that we have longer longevity than people, say, from two hundreds years ago, but the truth may be that the earth’s been secretly rotating faster and faster and that the difference between our and their longevities is smaller than we think.

Of course, I’ve no idea how I would explain millions of clocks around the world providing constant (or is it?) beats and time…but just a random thought.

taiko tataki

Four out of five percussionists I’ve met in my life are hot. Three of them are guys. Today, I noticed this common facial expression among those guys. It’s rather dry especially among the younger drummers. I think it’s because they’re kinda shy but still happy about the attention they get from 1) being good looking AND 2) playing such cool instruments. So, they try to fake poker faces (especially those who do classical percussions as well) but I could see this coy expression in their eyes and at the edges of their mouth.

Yeah. So my point is, male percussionists are hot.


As I watched two guys playing a piano duet piece, I was thinking, how this phenomenon would be interpreted by larger organisms, if there are any. The human biologists say things like “these Ca activates such and such activities and change the conformations of…” but I wonder if we were considered as some cell components (ie earth being a cell), how would the larger organisms analyze playing a duet piece in terms of biological activities? In other words, we simplify what those little molecules do but maybe they’re doing something more profound, artistic and/or fun than what we assume.


A couple nights ago, my roommate was about to kill Time (She had lots of work to do). She thought that if she killed Time, she’d have no deadline but I told her that these crazy teachers would find some way of setting up deadlines. For examples, they might say a research proposal is due after eating 10 meals. So, everyone would know who are the procrastinators by looking at how well nutritioned they are.

That reminds me one of the Harper’s index from last month: There was at least one college student who became scurvy from poor diet.


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As I was organizing my class notes, which happens only a few times a semester, I punched through an important piece of information…tried to look for the piece that contains that information but when I opened the puncher, there were hundreds ofpunchees. Unfortunately, I’m getting an OCD attack and feeling tempted to look for ‘the one’..


I want to date a ballerina at least once in my life.


Dawn always makes me feel disappointed. I don’t like seeing the sky gradually getting lighter and lighter unless I have a super early flight. I’m not quite sure why but in any case, dusk is so much better.


I’ve got tons of things to do before I graduate. I’m afraid i’m gonna go insane. As a solution, I think I need to do something crazy to let all the frustration disappear. I’m thinking about changing my hair style everyday. Maybe I’ll shave my head by the end of this semester.

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