Articles by mika


okashi no ie

The way my apartment is painted reminds me of whipped cream smeared on shortcakes. It’s like that sweets house Hansel and Grethel used to eat.

It could be a sweet thought except I really don’t like whipped cream and sweeet cakes…ugh


There are many areas on our bodies that are neglected when being washed. Such areas include a belly button, between toes, behind ears, AND knees. All these areas have a common characteristics: they smell horrible.


I ate a raw egg for the first time – in this country – a couple days ago.

For some reason, I couldn’t completely trust the eggs in the states and even though I really really wanted to have a raw egg with soy sauce on top of hot rice, I never actually did it. After I was tricked into believing the safety of American namatamago (raw eggs) two days ago, I found out that the northeastern region in US has been notoriously known for its history of having more frequent salmonella cases than other areas in the country..

Evidently, it takes 12-72 hours before the first symptom appears. I’m just waiting for the sudden tsunami waves in my tummy…any minute now.


Pomegranates are tastieee. As I picked each piece out, it reminded me of something: pulling out teeth.

It’d be difficult to trust any dentists who like pomegranates.


Mako and I must leave downtown NY for home before midnight; otherwise our trains turn into pumpkins and mice and start stopping at every takes twice as long to get home.

Happy Pumpkin Month.


When I eat spicy food, my ear drums hurt.


If I ever turn into a micro-human, say, a height of 10micro-m, I think I’d want to walk onto a glass plate under a microscope and wave at the person who’s looking into it. Maybe I can help the person cheat physiology microscope tests. I’ll write down all the answers on something like a grain of rice and have the person carry me on the rice to the class.


The most fresh octopus I’ve ever had almost killed me. It was so fresh that the leg could suck onto the inside of my mouth..and if I didn’t chew enough, it could suck onto the walls of my throat too.

Tasty but dangerous…

eiga no yaku

Another movie character idea:

A really depressed young man. Decided to move to NYC. Things were going pretty well , making him a bit less sad than usual, until his new friend asked him where he lived in the city. He tried to point at his street on his trump card sized subway map, realized his street was cut off becuase it is right on the top edge of the card. Depressed, he goes to the corner of his room, turning back to everyone, sobbing.


When I see a T-shirt logo “I luv mommy” on a toddler, I question in my mind what it really it only the child’s desire and decision to show the public that she/he “luv”s her/his mommy? Whose want really is it?


We spilt lots of wine on the floor..and on the wall – It’s gonna be a party time for our roaches tonight..


Better string players in an orchestra occupy seats that are closer to the conductor. People work very hard to get closer to the conductor, meaning trying to be more recognized ones in the group. I found one drawback for those seats today.

These people get baptized with the conductor’s spit, if they are fortunately and unfortunately enough to have such an enthusiastic conductor.

That’s what I would tell rear seat takers if I were their psychiatrists.


The sound of Cognak pouring out of a bottle is, at least for me, very sexy.

jyagaimo me

The texture of potato sprouts reminds me of zits that are really close to pop.


Ivan came to visit us. He was very angry and very violent; in fact, he was so mad he destroyed Mako’s computer and our internet connection…


I saw a cockroach for the first time in the states today.

I also saw a person who tried to kill it with a dining knife for the first time today…


A couple months ago, I was wearing my relatively new skirt. As Mako and I walked by the Pike Place Market in Seattle, some lady said “phew, nice skirt!” I turned around and smiled happily.

Then, I realized that she wasn’t commenting on my skirt..she was pointing to Mako’s kilt.

That was a kind of “lost” feeling that I had never experienced. I suppose it is kind of cool that my guy friend can compete with me on the tastes of skirts but at the same time, I couldn’t be completely happy..


So if my eyes pop out of the sockets ever (For those who haven’t done so, please refer to “A Woman Who Swallowed a Toothbrush” for more details), I need to test one thing before putting them back in the right (and left) places; I want to see if I can see the view behind my back. In other words, I want to turn my eyeballs around by the sides of my head. I could also take a close look into my throat, ears, and nose too. And of course I could examine each eyeball as well.

I wonder that would make me feel seasick…


I came up with a brilliant idea the other day. Instead of carpool vans/cars, people should use carpool bicycles – the twist is not putting one bicycle next to another but stacking several bicycles vertically and somehow transferring the energy from each bicycler to the bottom wheels. That way, you can conserve space on the road. I think this can be very useful in cities like NYC.


I saw a lady who started shouting halleluiah and jesus christ around somebody who was preaching on the street yesterday. One thing I’ve noticed about these almost insanely religious individuals is that these people have unique tastes in their shoe fashion. They almost always have shoes that really don’t match their modest clothes – the lady yesterday had green/dark blue outfit with transparent sandals with red ribbons with dark-colored long socks.

Anyways, I’m going to write blogs more often again.

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