
I like how people tilt their heads to kiss their partners. It’s cute and warm.

It seems less romantic, however, when I remember that they do so in order to avoid a nose crash. That’s too realistic.

  1. osayo’s avatar

    you are wack. why wud u think of those things??
    okashi-tte. un. okashii. 😀

  2. mika’s avatar

    Have you been kissing much lately? One-san wa shinpai shiteimasu.

  3. osayo’s avatar


  4. mika’s avatar

    That’s what I thought. 🙂

  5. osayo’s avatar

    i thot i didn’t have to deal with ur sassiness
    cuz U LEFT!:P

  6. mika’s avatar

    Amaiwane. I shall return yo.

  7. kellan’s avatar

    “tilting” doesn’t really cover the full extent for us. “bending”, or perhaps “contorting”, unless we can find a staircase, or a small foot stool

  8. mika’s avatar

    That sounds even more realistic but it’s true for me as well…me on the ‘jumping’ side of course.


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