
I have very bad eye sight. Sometimes, I don’t want to admit that my eyes are so bad, so I go outside without my contact lenses or glasses. I feel like i’m in a completely different world. It’s almost like living in a 3-D Monet world. The edges of any objects become vague. Everyone becomes faceless. My audio sensation becomes super sensitive and adds depth to this fuzzy world.

It’s an interesting experience as long as there is no glass wall. It’s quite embarrassing when you walk into the glass wall in front of strangers.. I’ve done it a couple times.

  1. maalox’s avatar

    I have bad eyesight too. I feel for ya.

    I don’t exactly know what the glass wall has to do with it, though. Maybe it’s like silence of the lambs? Instead of hannibal behind the glass it’s Mika!

  2. mika’s avatar

    Maalox. I’ll find a place where I can demonstrate my point.. you’ll see.

  3. neko3’s avatar

    Yes, I did walk to glass door a couple times. so, embarrassing,
    shock, silence, and a big laugh follow..

  4. mika’s avatar

    Mine ended at silence…I don’t know if that’s better or worse.


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