February 2003

You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2003.


I like walking on the snow because of the sound that makes. And I hate it when I see people spit on the snow..


I got new pets. I’m growing sea urchins from a zygote stage. I’m gonna name the one I’ll keep ‘Puccini’. I heard that they’ll be swimming around for 30 days, starting tomorrow. I can hardly wait…


When I was little, I admired people whose nose often bleeded. I’ve never had a bloody nose but I used to constantly have a runny nose. I felt that noses with a bloody problem looked cooler than a mucus problem..


I have a mixed feeling about strawberries. I believe that many many people love strawberries and I wanna have that “strawberries! yumm..” feeling too when I see them but I can’t.. we are in a complicated relationship. I want to love them but they remind me too much of bad experiences.. in this case, shortcakes. One of the earliest memories in my life is throwing up strawberry shortcakes and how awful it felt. It was a whipping cream’s fault rather than the strawberry on top of it but still, when I encounter strawberries now, I get a mixed feeling. The sweet/sourness of those berries doesn’t help either. It reminds me of the taste of returning shortcakes effectively too..

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